Five most important


of Salzburg

The temporal and spiritual rulers of Salzburg

It was through them that the archdiocese flourished and became rich

They were the spiritual and temporal lords of their times. In them were combined divine authority, secular power and political vision. They were the architects who were responsible for the surviving magnificence of old Salzburg.

The prince-archbishops reformed and improved the local administration, waged war with Bavaria and Austria and suppressed the rebellious peasantry while introducing measures to combat pestilences and plague.

Sie waren die Baumeister und Gestalter des barocken Salzburg. Das Erzbistum stieg durch ihr Geschick zu Reichtum und Wohlstand auf. Die Mozartstadt erlangte die Schönheit, für die sie so berühmt ist.

Leonhard von Keutschach


Wolf Dietrich

von Raitenau


Marcus Sitticus

von Hohenems


Paris Graf

von Lodron


Hieronymus Graf Colloredo


The history of Salzburg embodied in elegant souvenirs

Die Edition Prince Archbishop Salzburg rückt die prince-archbishops in the spotlight in the form of their coats of arms. The elegant design and exquisite details of these Produkte make them the perfect gift articles.

High-quality foodstuffs such as rock salt, chocolates, honey and spirits ‒ all produced in Salzburg or the surrounding region ‒ together with stylish accessories and finely made domestic items provide a uniquely diverse range. The rich history of the Archbishopric of Salzburg, the influence of the prince-archbishops and the Baroque inheritance of the city are all represented in these souvenir articles. Now available from our sales outlets!

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